Father's Day.
A day to remember and to celebrate our father.
The father who loved you, gave of himself for you, and stood beside you...no matter what. The father who rocked you the day you were born, kissed you forehead, and showed you, by sweet example, how to love. The father who had hands so strong, you felt protected just holding one. The father who taught you things and explained the hard concepts so patiently. The father who served you and cared for you. The father who never complained as he endlessly worked day in and day out for you. The father who taught you how to pray. The father who truly saw people...and the father who showed you, by rock solid example, how to as well. The father who never liked attention for himself, but gave it so readily to you. The father with the contagious laughter. The father with the fast pace. The father who loved you. The father you loved. The father...whose name to you, was Daddy.
Father's Day.
A day to remember and to celebrate our Father.
The Father who loves you, gave His Son for you, and stands beside you...no matter what. The Father who gives life and ends life. The Father who comforts you and brings peace to your heart. The Father who saves you and brings joy to your soul. The Father who heals. The Father who reigns on High and rules with Sovereignty. The Father who sees all...knows all. He is the Father who calms your fear, who gives you breath. The Father who takes your sin and makes you whole. The Father who loves you. The Father you love. The Father...whose name to you, is Yahweh.
"But you O God, do see trouble and grief... you are the helper of the fatherless....You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed. In order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more." Psalm 10: 14-18
Father's Day.
A day to remember and to celebrate, not only our earthly fathers, but also our Heavenly Father.
"What a privilege it is, O God, to be your child!"
Happy Father's Day!