PSALM 30:11-12

"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever."
Psalm 30:11-12

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

"Sitting in Sunshine"

A couple of weeks ago, Titus and I were driving into town. It was a beautiful day. The beauty of our surroundings, however, was lost on me. We were on a long, winding, country road and my mind was full; racing with all the things on my "to do" list.


I heard his voice from the back seat. I shook my head in hopes to clear my thoughts, and glanced in the rearview mirror. His head was turned towards the window. His eyes were squinted and his eyebrows were crinkled in thought. 


He said it again. This time, I answered.

"Yeah, babe?"

I glanced again at the rearview and realized that his face hadn't turned. He was still looking out the window with a crinkled brow and with squinted eyes.  

"I think the sun knows God." 

Before I could respond, I let out a little laugh. I couldn't help myself. 

"The sun knows God, huh? And why do you think that?"

He answered. His eyes still fixed out the window. 

"I think the sun knows God because God made the sun." 

I smiled and even chuckled a little at his comment. I turned to look out the window myself, pondering his words. Finally, with crinkled brows that matched his, I  responded. 

"I think you're right, Titus." 

The sun. It rises everyday at God's command. It brings joy. It brings life. It warms the body, soul, and mind. It provides consistency in our ever-changing world. It brings peace after the fiercest storms and light after the darkest nights. It rises and it sets. It dries and it heals. Without it, we wouldn't survive. 

The sun. 

"The sun knows God because God made the sun." 

Creation knows its Creator. And the Creator knows and holds His creation. From beginning to the end. 

He knows and holds us, far differently than he knows and holds the sun. "For he created man in His own image. In the image of God He created him." (Genesis 1:27)

He knows our past.

He holds our future.

And He provides...

"My heart is ok because He covered it." These words will resonate in my soul all of my days. They gave me peace in my darkest moments and hope in the face of fear. They comforted me then and they comfort me now. 

We serve a great God, who sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. That in life and in death, we may have hope. 

The sun may know God because God made the sun...

but we know God because He not only made us, but sent His Son to die for us. 

He loves us, holds us, covers our hearts, makes us new...

and gives us a future. 

"For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth." Psalm 57:10-11