PSALM 30:11-12

"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever."
Psalm 30:11-12

Friday, March 14, 2014

"Listen to the Stories" (March 13)

I was captivated as our bus pulled out of the hotel parking lot this morning. With a 90% chance of rain in the forecast, I was completely awed by the sight of the sun rays peeking through the clouds. It was cool, but not too cold, and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Mountains so green and  crops so plentiful. "Luscious" was the only word I could think of to describe the sights I saw. The Promised Land. We were making our way through The Promised Land! "A land flowing with milk and honey." The land God gave to His people of long ago. I can only imagine what the Israelites were thinking when they came upon a land so green. So beautiful. So luscious. After wandering for so long in the desert, they too must have been captivated. As Joshua led the people across the Jordan River, the command of The Lord must have been playing over and over in his head. In his heart: "Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you." The waters, the trees, the fruit, the grass, the mountains, the valleys. I can only imagine their faces! Faces, no doubt, filled with mixed emotions. Wonder at the beauty of their surroundings and fear of the great unknown.

When Saad, our tour guide, pointed out Mount Tabor, explaining the transfiguration that happened there, we all looked, and were astonished to see a cloud hovering over the highest region. At that moment, Luke 9:35 came alive: "A voice came from the cloud, saying, 'This is my Son, whom I have chosen, listen to him." Oh, the amazement that Peter, James, and John must have experienced in that moment!

Our bus pulled up to the edge of a body of water, and as the doors opened, Saad's thick accent rang out: "Listen to the stories of the Mediterranean Sea! Listen to the waves, they'll speak to you." I smiled as I made my way out onto the beach. Oh, if the waters could only speak! The stories they would tell! 

We walked along the sand, exploring Herod the Great's ancient Aquaducts. When my mom and I reached the wet sand, we couldn't help ourselves! Though it was cool, we took our shoes and socks off and rolled up our pants! And yes, dear friends, we splashed around in the Mediterranean Sea!! Then, the rain came! A fast and furious downpour, lasting only long enough for everyone to make a mad dash to the bus. So crazy! So fun!

With wet pants, sandy toes, and damp hair, we made our way to Caesarea (where Paul defended himself before King Agrippa and spent two years in prison, recorded in Acts 26). As we walked up to the Roman Theatre (the place where Peter preached to Cornelius in Acts 10), the sun was shining. We walked down to the edge of the Sea and collected seashells. Walking back up, we were able to take in the entire excavation site, being able to only imagine what the great city of Caesarea had once been.


Our next stop astonished me, The Jezreel Valley. We hiked up a mountainside in Megiddo and overlooked the place that is called Armageddon, "the symbol of the final conflict taking place at the coming of the Messiah." Solomon fortified the entrance to the Jezreel valley in 10th century BC,  and the excavation site was remarkable. Walls still standing, after thousands of years. So fascinating! On our decent, we came upon a Megiddo water system and ventured down into it's depths. So cool! What an adventure!

On our way back to the hotel, we stopped in Nazareth. (The place where Jesus grew up.) The once little city isn't so little anymore. It was booming! There were people everywhere! Even still, our group had the incredible opportunity to visit a small ancient synagogue and sing a praise song together. (A neat experience!)

On every "holy" site in Israel, they've built a church; a big cathedral. Including the place where they believe the angel appeared to Mary in Nazareth. I walked through that church, and my eyes welled with tears. She was an ordinary girl, with a beautiful soul. And God saw her. At the water well. He chose her, ordinary her, to be the mother of His son. That fact amazes me; more than cathedrals, shrines, or certain places on a map. Only God can make the ordinary extraordinary.

What a beautiful day! A day filled with sunshine and grace from our sweet Lord. I can't wait for tomorrow!

If only the rocks, the seas, and the mountains could talk! Oh, I would sit for hours. Hours upon hours, listening to their stories...

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